An uneven recovery of the US multifamily market, across asset classes and geographic markets, provides opportunities to acquire underperforming value-add assets in markets experiencing sustainable growth. The fundamental return driver in our track record has been asset repositioning, rather than cyclical market recovery.
Within multifamily, we target niche markets with expected demographic growth above US average, and on asset sizes that are large for an individual investor but small for portfolio/institutional investors.
Our own property management operations and operational expertise allow us to not only shrewdly manage the assets after acquisition, but to properly price them, targeting value creation rather than fee collection. This allows us to maximize returns while also boosting resident's quality of life.
Strong team with expertise in investing, financing and management
Elandis has a track record of outperforming competitors in all three phases of ownership: a) stabilizing the asset; b) maximizing the asset; and c) selling the asset.
A number of unique strategies for each of the three phases have been developed over the years, and each asset receives derived from these. In addition to the more typical physical and financial repositioning tactics, Elandis believes in additional environmental repositioning tactics, which have typically made our asset repositionings faster and more cost efficient than those of competitors around us.
Elandis today is composed of a strong team with expertise in investing, financing and management. We have worked together for more than five years, but some team members go back 17 years
We focus on creating better communities
As our reach grows, so does our responsibility to manage the environmental, social and governance aspects of our business. We focus on creating not just stronger assets and returns, but also better communities.
Elandis identifies opportunities for operational enhancements that will lead both to an enhanced environment and to better financial performance during the early stages of the investment process. The objective is to enhance investment returns by increasing environmental efficiencies, reducing environmental blight and reducing waste. We strive to identify physical improvements needed for energy efficiency and operate investments in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Our platform to acquire under-performing, distressed multifamily apartments allows us the opportunity to do high impact social good. We invest in poorly maintained, older properties, and often in previously under served areas. Doing this conscientiously allows us to decrease local crime, remove visual blight, provide local employment, and improve the quality of life for local residents. Further, by bringing online abandoned or neglected apartments, we can provide a much-needed increase in housing stock for workforce families.
Featured projects
Projects and asset selection in markets with robust growth potential